Explore Bucharest landmarks viewed from above with the help of today’s post. The author, has acompanied the movie with George Enescu’s music, “Romanian Rapsody Nr. 1”
(Author Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/filmare.fotog… )
Featured locations presented in the movie (Romanian name and English translation) :
00:00 Piata Unirii – Unirii Square – one of the largest squares in central Bucharest, located in the center of the city
00:11 Piata Universitatii – University Square – located in downtown Bucharest, near the University of Bucharest. It is served by Universitate metro station.
00:41 Monumentul Eroii Aerului – Monument to the Heroes of the Air is a Bucharest landmark located in the Aviators’ Square, on Aviators’ Boulevard
00:55 Arcul de Triumf – Triumph Arch is one of the best known Bucharest landmarks. It is located in the northern part of the city, on the Kiseleff Road.
01:31 Palatul Parlamentului – The Palace of the Parliament formerly know as “House of the people is probably the most famous Bucharest Landmark.
02:44 Opera Romana – The Romanian National Opera – located in a historicla building in Bucharest.
03:01 Stadionul National – The National Aren – is the national stadium of Romania, in the Lia Manoliu National Sports Complex in Bucharest. Opened in 2011, it replaced the former National Stadium.
03:03 Hotel Intercontinental – a highrise five star hotel situated near University Square
03:03 Casa Presei Libere – House of the Free Press- is a building in northern Bucharest, Romania, the tallest in the city between 1956 and 2007
03:06 Memorialul Renasterii – The Memorial of Rebirth is a memorial in Bucharest, Romania that commemorates the struggles and victims of the Romanian Revolution of 1989, which overthrew Communism
03:05 Memorialul Eroii Neamului – Nation’s Heroes Memorial – is a monument located in the middle of Carol Park.
03:07 SkyTower – althouh this is a n office building is is also a Bucharest Landmark – according to Forbes Magazine – and yours truly.
03:09 Pod Grozavesti – Grozavesti bridge
03:56 Parcul I.O.R – Alexandru Ioan Cuza Park – is a park located in 3rd Sector of Bucharest.
04:30 SkyTower
05:05 Lacul Vacaresti – Lake Văcărești is a lake in the south of Bucharest, and part of Vacaresti protected area.
05:29 SkyTower
05:49 Statuia Ecvestra a lui Carol I – Equestrian statue of Carol I – another well know statue part of Bucharest landmarks – Carol I was the first king of modern Romania. Looking directly at the former Royal Palace (now the National Art Museum), the statue is one of the largest in the city and unquestionably the most prominently positioned.
05:54 Piata Revolutiei – Revolution Square is a square in central Bucharest, on Calea Victoriei. Known as Piața Palatului until 1989, it was later renamed after the 1989 Romanian Revolution
06:21 Memorialul Renasterii – The Memorial of Rebirth
06:51 Hotel Intercontinental – Intercontinental hotel
07:44 Parcul Carol – Carol Park
08:05 Memorialul Eroii Neamului – Nation’s Heroes Memorial
08:40 Palatul Patriarhal -Palace of the Patriarchate – is a historical building located on the plateau of Dealul Mitropoliei.
09:03 Euro Tower – Euro Tower is another prominent modern office building that is rapidly becoming part of Bucharest landmarks. Located fronting one of Bucharest’s main arterial routes, Barbu Vacarescu.
09:08 Circul Globus – Globus Circus- a giant circus set under a big-top. More than 3,000 people can watch spectacular performances here, ranging from circuses and concerts to holiday markets. It was erected in 1960 and is a must-see on your stay in Bucharest.
09:22 Stadionul National – The National Arena
10:17 Piata Presei Libere – Free Press Square
10:45 Lacul Vacaresti – Vacaresti lake
11:23 Pod Grozavesti – Grozavesti Bidge.