Things to do in Bucharest is a platform dedicated to helping visitors in Bucharest, expats or even locals discover great things to do in their city, including cultural, sport, and restaurant recommendations. Although the team is primarily composed of writers, Things to do in Bucharest also has an amazing team of photographers and videographers. Reliable, honest, high quality information from our team members. We will give you all the information you need for a perfect trip in Bucharest.

Team members:

Photo credits:

Text credits:

  • Claudiu Banu – Claudiu is a staff writer and editor for Things to do in Bucharest. He is a long time blogger, living in Bucharest since 2010.
  • Mihnea Banu – Mihnea is a staff writer at things to do in Bucharest. A Bucharest native, he has a passion for journalism and journalism ethics.

Want to join our team?

We are always looking for creative and passionate  people that love Bucharest and to join our team. If you like to write, take photos or videos,  contact us  and we’ll be happy to talk!