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There is a question I almost always get asked,  by people all around the world, when they are about to come to Romania. They’re all wondering what time is it in Bucharest, and if there are more time zones in Romania. The second question is easy. There’s only one time zone: UTC2. The first question…well..  This post is the answer to it, as it includes this nifty feature that can tell you the local time in Romania.

 So, are  you wondering “what time is it in Bucharest ?”

Well, the current time in the capital city of Romania is:

Taa daa …

Of course, I will not leave you just with that small piece of information for Bucharest. Let’s build on this. Now that you know current local time in Bucharest, Romania, let’s take a look at:

     Bucharest Time Zone

Bucharest is located in the EEST time zone (UTC+2).

  • When in New York, USA it is 7 AM current time in Bucharest, Romania is 2 PM.
  • When in London, UK it is 7 AM here it is 9 AM.
  • When in  Sydney, Australia, it is 7 AM, in Bucharest it is 12 AM.
  • When in Paris, France the local time is 7 AM in Bucharest it is 8 A.M.
  • When in Hong Kong the local time is 7 AM in Bucharest it is 00.00 A.M
  • When in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates the local time is 7 AM in Bucharest it is 05.00 A.M

    DST – Clock Changes in Bucharest, Romania

  • 26 mar 2023 –  Daylight Saving Time (DST) Starts
  • Time change: When local standard time is about to reach 03:00:00 on Sunday 26 march 2023, clocks will be turned forward 1 hour to 04:00:00, Sunday 26 march 2023.
  • This means that sunrise , sunset and moonrise will be about 1 hour later on 26 mar 2023 than the day before. The good news is that there will be more light in the evening.
  • Also called Spring Forward, Summer Time, and Daylight Savings Time.
  • The oposite time change happnes on 29 oct 2023- when Daylight Saving Time Ends
  • When local daylight time is about to reach Sunday 29 October 2023, 04:00:00 clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday  29 October 2023, 03:00:00
  • Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on 29 oct 2023 than the day before. There will be more light in the morning.
  • This is called Fall Back and Winter Time.

What time is back home if you are in Romania?

But let’s assume you are In Bucharest and wondering about the time back home. Here’s a example how to use the time conversion and quickly convert time in Bucharest to USA time, for instance.

Bucharest to Los Angeles Time Conversion

Bucharest time to Los Angeles time conversion is a way of determining the current time in Los Angeles when it is a certain hour in Bucharest. This can be done through the use of a time converter or by looking up the current time difference between Romania and California.

The time difference between Bucharest and Los Angeles is ten hours, meaning that when it is sunrise in Bucharest, it is sunset in Los Angeles.

A time converter can help you find out what the current times are in both Romania and California and whether sunrise or sunset will occur first. There are several time zone converter calculators online.

It’s important to know the local time and the respective time zones when making a conversion from Bucharest time to any city in the world.

Sunrise and sunset time for Bucharest

The sunrise and sunset times for Bucharest vary depending on the season. During summer, the sunrise generally takes place around 5:30am and the sunset at 8:30pm. In winter, however, the sunrise is later in the day at 7:30am and the sunset takes place earlier at 5:00pm. This means that during summer days are significantly longer than during winter days; in fact, during summer days are typically around 15 hours long while winter days are typically only around 10 hours long. As such, solar energy is more readily available during longer days when compared to shorter ones. The length of a day can have significant effects on many aspects of life in Bucharest, so it is important to keep track of when sunrise and sunset will occur for each season.

Hope you enjoyed our “what time is it in Bucharest ” answers in this article? Are you coming to Bucharest soon? We have some transportation info that might come in handy, here.  Or you can read this article if you want to know more Bucharest facts.

If you are looking for more information about the best time to visit, or for things to see or things to do in Bucharest, read our recommendations (or browse the site freely- that’s what we’re all about here at


bucharest street clocks will tell you what time is it in bucharest
A beautiful clock in the park of Cismigiu.

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